- I am a simple Linux user what should I do?
- First of all congrats!! Second,install Slackware stable. Here is why:
Slackware stable never break.
Its very secure by default.
All officiall packages are tested before come to you, on Slackware-current by others, more experts...
- Thats all, nothing more?
- No, keep also in mind these:
Linux system is secure by default and Slackware stable true never break, but you must do often updates.
Install slpkg and build packages from SlackBuilds.org
Install a firewall, its very simple...
Be careful with your browser. You are clever enough to know who need your data...Use open-source trusted browsers.
Dont run localy AIs using their API and give them access to your files.
Dont connect to unknown wifi networks.
Build your own kernel with only what you need...
Keep learning, every day you will learn something more... We all learning none is a teacher!
Happy Slacking!!!